*This timeline assumes that you will complete and submit applications by November. This assumes that you started thinking about this process at least 1.5 years before you plan to attend law school. It also assumes that you plan to attend to law school right after graduating from the UO.  It is an ideal timeline, giving you the space and flexibility to adjust according to your situation/schedule or if you start later than Winter Term of the year before you graduate. 

Winter Term (Jan-Mar, over 1.5 years before law school)
  • Begin researching and planning your application timeline
  • Decide when to take the LSAT and how you’ll study/prepare for the exam
  • Apply for LSAC fee waiver
Spring Term (Mar-Jun, ~1.5 years before law school)
  • Register for LSAT (June-November dates, depending on you and your situation)
    • Check registration deadlines!
  • Register for CAS
  • Study for LSAT date
  • Identify and reach out to recommenders
  • Begin researching law schools
Summer Term (Jun-Sep, ~1.5 years before law school)
  • Study for the LSAT/Take the LSAT
  • Follow up with recommenders with more info/reminders about letter
  • Continue researching law schools and make a law school list
    • Visit law schools
    • Informational interviews with law school admissions, current students, current faculty, alumni
Fall Term (Sep-Dec, 1 year before law school)
  • File FAFSA and financial aid applications (October 1)
  • Take LSAT if you haven’t yet or if you need a second attempt
  • Attend law school forums/fairs (see events page for regularly updated events)
  • Finalize school applications list
  • Application materials
    • Request transcripts from UO and other colleges/universities you have attended/have credit from
    • Send LSAC email to recommenders with upload link
      • Set your own deadline for recommenders! (~1-2 weeks before your deadline to submit just to give yourself some cushion time)
      • Check in with recommenders
    • Drafts for personal statement, resume, and other essays/addenda necessary
      • Review drafts and ask for feedback
      • Finalize drafts
    • Complete applications and submit!
Winter Term (Jan-Mar)
  • Wait!
  • Submit other apps if needed
Spring Term (Mar-Jun)
  • Notifications from law schools
  • Weigh offers and scholarships
  • Decide!
  • Pay seat deposit
  • Thank recommenders!