lsat_prepCampus Prep, an LSAT prep course provider, is offering a new resource for U of O students. If you’re interested in learning more about the services offered by Campus Prep, feel free to visit their website to learn more, or reach to You are also welcome to make an appointment with a Prelaw Advisor by calling 541-346-3211! Information about this resource can be found below (all language theirs):

Are you interested in going to LAW school, but can’t afford to pay $1200+ for LSAT prep classes?

There will be a low-cost, high quality, LSAT prep course offered at U of O(open to non-students). You can apply for the course (and see testimonials, etc.) at

The course will start in April and prepares you for the June test date. The comprehensive, 27 hour, live course includes 3 practice exams and costs $325. (Students who qualify for financial need-based aid pay $195-$215.)

The course is taught by a qualified instructor who has been trained by our national trainer. All instructors for Campus Prep must meet certain requirements (including having a high LSAT score), and must undergo a rigorous training program by top experts.

Wednesdays 6-9pm
4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25

Proctored (practice) exams: Sat. 4/23 11-2pm, Sat. 5/7, 11-2pm, Sat. 5/21 11-2:30pm

“The same caliber as traditional prep courses, but it comes at a cheaper cost.”
-Kristine Jackson, Dean of Admissions at CU Boulder Law

You can try the course by having until midnight on the day of the first class session to receive a full refund for any reason.

Apply ASAP at, as there will likely be more applications than there are spaces available. Email questions to